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Could your health issues be caused by yeast overgrowth? Many have a candida infection and don’t know it!
What is Candida Yeast?
Candida Albicans is a type of yeast that is naturally present in our bodies. Typically, yeast will not cause issues or overgrow when the immune system keeps it under control and when there is a balance of bacteria in the body. However, problems with yeast can arise when either the immune system or the balance of bacteria is altered. If the immune system is weak or there is a low level of good bacteria in the body the yeast organism can multiply very quickly and over power the healthy organisms creating a full infection.
What Can Cause Candida Yeast to Overgrow and Become an Infection?
There are many factors that can lead to an overgrowth of yeast in the body. Taking antibiotics is one of the most common causes of yeast overgrowth. (Taking an antibiotic is what caused my issues with yeast, causing acne.) Also, eating too much sugar! Sugar fuels the yeast, they feed off of the sugar and multiply. Note that the sugar category also includes natural sugars from fruits. Additional causes include acne medications, birth control pills, alcohol, stress, nutrient deficiency, tap water containing chlorine, IBS or bowel issues, being exposed to toxins, and having a weak immune system or any immune deficiency.
After reading this list of causes you can see why yeast infections are so common and many more are suffering from a yeast infection and don’t even know it! Doctors overlook how damaging yeast can be and they have a tremendous lack of knowledge in the area.There are many symptoms of yeast overgrowth, however one I wanted to mention was the occurrence of craving of sweets. This includes fruit, honey, chocolate, candy, sugary drinks/soda, pasta, breads, baked goods. If you think this may be a symptom you are struggling with you may want to look into starting the yeast free diet.
(After I did the yeast free diet and no sugar for 3 months, I was never craving these foods at all anymore, it seemed very odd at first. I never realized before that it wasn’t me wanting those foods it was the yeast causing the cravings because they live off of those foods.)
Candida Yeast Can Cause Almost Any Health Issue
Yeast overgrowth in the body causes havoc on the body and can cause the release of hundreds of toxins in the body. The good bacteria is limited and is overpowered by the yeast overgrowth. This causes a severe imbalance of microorganisms and overgrowth of bad bacteria which is not only present in the intestines but can expand into the blood stream.
Yeast infections have been known to cause a wide range of issues including rashes, acne, fatigue, diseases, syndromes, psychological issues, etc.
To treat Candida yeast overgrowth here are the 3 main steps:
1. Start the Candida Diet- this means only yeast free foods and no sugar (well as close to zero sugar as you can get). Continue on it for at least 3 months straight. Even though yeast may begin dyeing after 7 days in order to re balance the system, I would recommend 3 months.
2. Take a pro-biotic (multi strain is preferable)
3. Take supplements which “kill” yeast – (I will do another post later this week about which supplements I used and which ones I would recommend using)
I will add a post later this week about how to treat candida yeast overgrowth and exactly what I recommend using to “kill” the yeast, so check back for it.
What probiotic did you take at during this time to help fight the yeast. I am currently looking for a really amazing probitotic.
Zaina, I thought I’d chime in since your comment is fairly recent. I take Garden of Life Probiotic for Women. Very pleased. Has thus far warded off the elimination of good bacteria during two courses of Doxycycline.
Hi Zania, I took a 25 billion CFU probiotic with multi-strains.
Are you still clear of these bumps? Did you ever have them on your body as well?
They are still gone, fortunately. I’ve had acne on my back and chest, but I don’t think it was the same type of acne as it was from the yeast. It was more regular large breakouts, not like the tiny bunches of bumps on my forehead.
Hi there, I recently went on an binge of eating sweet treats like donuts and things and I started to crave them. I’ve been on antibiotics for yeast infections many times and NSAID’s for my migraines and just over the past few months I’ve notices the bumps – more like cystic acne. They literally dont respond to regular treatments or even laser acne treatments (which helped my regular acne). So I went to see an ND and she said candida right away, unfortunately I havent been able to go for a follow up because it all go too expensive BUT i am going to school to become a holistic nutritionist here in Toronto and am learning all about netural remedies and nutrient deficiencies. Every disease can be traced back to some sort of nutrient deficiency. For me this may be the case because I am learning alot about nutrition and it is overwhelming at times as the food industry is being exposed but as for the Candida, oregano, garlic, berberine, pau d’arco, silver, olive leaf, manuca honey, golden seal are all natural bacterial killers. And I’m sure you know which ones are great for Candida 😉 Let me know how you are doing now! I started to cut out fruits and it was so hard and I didn’t feel like anything was helping so I went back to eating fruits but reading your journey it seems like I need to stick with it for longer. Have you noticed any flare-ups when you eat fruits? Have you had to completely avoid them, or did you repair your gut and then able to eat them again?
I’m doing great now! I haven’t had any more issues with candida 🙂 I reintroduced fruits slowly. I still don’t each much sugar. Just some blueberries or an apple or orange here and there.
Hi Lori, while on the anti-candida diet, did you avoid brown rice, potatoes and beans/legumes? It seems there is very little one can eat while on this diet. Also, are you still 100% clear of the acne? I assume you are no longer on the strict yeast-free diet.
I avoided rice and legumes (but I don’t usually eat them anyways). But, I did eat potatoes (in moderation). I didn’t follow the diet perfectly, but did the best I could. I just tried not too over do it with sugar or carbs. Hope this helps 🙂
I am very glad I found this site, I have been researching candida for months. Back in March I took an antibiotic for 5 days for the flu. I have always had a sweet tooth and enjoyed organic treats such as cookies and muffins, some times daily. After taking the antibiotics I noticed hundreds of tiny bumps rising up on my forehead which was always clear and smooth. These bumps are not like regular acne, they don’t respond to anything topical and maybe worsen when applied. I did the yeast free diet for two weeks and noticed a slight improvement in my skin, but I stopped because I was losing too much weight – I feel I am already thin enough. People were starting to comment. I have seen my doctor and had bloodwork done, and my candida theory was dismissed. I strongly feel this is the cause of my problems, however, and want to find a way to be healthy again!
I do plan on making an appointment with a holistic doctor and nurtitionist and I hope that she will be more receptive to my thoughts. Lori, after reading your story, I see that I did not stay on the diet long enough for good results. I am still plagued with these bumps on my forehead, and my energy is near zero these days. I try to be very healthy, I am a 21-year vegetarian, I eat organic when possible, and exercise regularly – I am 36 years old. If you have any other suggestions or recommendations I would really appreciate anything you have to offer. I am getting married in 3 months and don’t want to be healthy and feel good, and certainly don’t want these gross bumps to be memorialized in my wedding photos! Thanks in advance, I plan on giving the diet another go.
Did you cut out grains from your diet? I’m asking because the version I did a while ago basically involved cutting out grains and eating only vegetables, herbs, meat and fish, natural live yogurt, healthy oils and seeds, avocados and drinking lots of water (and taking the supplements of course)….It was really effective but I wondered if following a less extreme diet was still effective and whether or not grains can be included. Thanks 🙂
I was grain free at the time because I always have been avoiding gluten for many years, but with grains there is also the concern of the yeast in the bread too.
Thanks 🙂 “The Harcombe Diet” is good for getting rid of candida but it’s basically similar to paleo with natural live yogurt added. My skin clears up and symptoms go in a matter of days.
Hi, for some reason I didn’t end up doing the same follow up post as planned, it changed into a post centered on acne and candida. Let me know if there is any information in particular you were looking for! 🙂
Lori, can you please tell me what supplements you used to kill the yeast?
When I had an over growth of candida, I primarily used oil of oregano, garlic, berberine, probiotics, and completely changed my diet.This site mentions some great info too: