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How to Clean a Toothbrush Naturally
Did you know that toothbrushes harbor hundreds of thousands of bacteria just after one use? That’s not including all of the bacteria your toothbrush picks up from being kept in your bathroom either!
Most of us keep our toothbrushes sitting on the bathroom counter, which is actually the worst place to store them. When the toilet is flushed, unsanitary airborne particles make their way on to your toothbrush.
Why You Should Clean a Toothbrush Naturally
Some recommend dipping the toothbrush in mouthwash to kill the bacteria, but why should we use harmful chemicals when simple natural ingredients are even more effective!
All you need is one ingredient from your kitchen!
Where You Should Store Your Toothbrush
To prevent having your toothbrush gather anymore unnecessary bacteria, just keep your toothbrush stored in another room.
Ever since I was a young kid I always kept my toothbrush on top of my bedroom bureau as I never liked leaving my toothbrush in the bathroom next to everyone else’s. Mostly for the fear of someone accidentally using mine, sure everyone thought I was crazy, but actually, it saved me from being exposed to all of the airborne bacteria!
If you do keep your toothbrush stored in the bathroom, make sure to at least always close the toilet lid when flushing and cover your toothbrush.
How to Clean Your Toothbrush Naturally
What You Need:
-White Vinegar
-Colloidal Silver
-Glass Cup or Jar
How To Do It:
1. Pour several tablespoons of white vinegar into a glass jar and dip your toothbrush in. Let the toothbrush sit in the mixture for at least 15 to 30 minutes.
White vinegar is commonly used as a natural cleaner, it will kill the bacteria and microbes on your toothbrush.
2. Make a mixture of ½ colloidal silver and ½ water. Dip your toothbrush in mixture and let it sit for 15 to 30 minutes.
Colloidal silver has antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties and is very effective in removing the harmful bacteria from your toothbrush
nice post , yeah its so obvious thing which we usually dont do,
I always pop mine in the microwave for 40 seconds……surprised no one mentioned that it’s a germ killer because of the high temperature
Actually, Mythbusters proved that keeping your toothbrush in the kitchen is no more cleaner than the bathroom. So it doesn’t matter WHERE you store it, the airborne stuff is everywhere. And not really that dangerous for your mouth, either. BUT since the mouth is full of bacteria, I would clean it and this is a great idea 🙂
Interesting about the kitchen! Thanks for sharing.
I saw that episode of mythbusters. They even put the toothbrush in a plastic zipbag and put that in another room and it still had those bad germs on it.
Hi Lori,
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Thanks so much! I really appreciate this information.
Glad it was helpful.
I bought 2 clear, glass salt shakers which I keep the tooth brush heads in. I wash them regularly.
I put denture cleanser tablets in each one and let it soak. I then wash them in the silverware section of the dish washer.
I keep a spray bottle of alcohol in each bathroom and one in the kitchen. I use different color tops to designate which bottle goes in which room. It seems to work great.
I also keep a spray bottle of peroxide in the house. Spay it on the shower stall and around faucets and listen to it work. Let it work for a while, then wipe it off with the alcohol.
The denture tablets work well to get the coffee stains out of glass cups. I keep the tablets handy for these things. They also work well on vases where you can’t get to the bottom of the vase. I then wash all these things in hot, soapy.
Thanks for sharing, peroxide is another great cleaner.
Hi ,your have mentioned vinegar and colloidal silver to clean the tooth brush
how about bicarbonate soda
I have read that some use baking soda, but I’m not sure if it would be as effective at removing bacteria.
Does it have to be white vineger?
And what about alcohol, doesn’t that work?
Great post!
You can also use apple cider vinegar. I haven’t tried alcohol before.
You’ve scared me straight! I’ve always been bad about cleaning my toothbrush, but after you saying that thing about the toilet flushing…blech! Totally whipping out the vinegar today.
what about toothbrush heads to battery operated kind?
You should be able to dip them in the solution as well. We have one of those and the toothbrush head is detachable and we just let it sit in the solution.
bacteria wont exist with colloidal silver present so I do believe it would be safe to use that version a couple times before changing it, not sure about the vinegar
I recommend using care with the Colloidal Silver. True it will kill bacteria, but Colloidal Silver will also accumulate in the human body and can’t be flushed out of your system. There are stories of people literally turning their skin a scary shade of blue from the consumption of Colloidal Silver. Granted those people were actually drinking the stuff in the thought that it would keep them healthy. I suppose if you rinsed the brush well you would probably get the majority of it off the brush, but why take such a chance at dooming yourself to looking like a circus side show act.
A person would need to drink a liter or more every day for years for Colloidal Silver to cause Argyria (blue/grey skin). Used as recommended Colloidal Silver is completely safe and effective. Get informed Ms. Informed1.
Colloidal Silver is dangerous to ingest and shouldn’t be used on your toothbrush:
there is no need to use any anything other than boiling water.
Ok thats what im doing now out some hydrogen peroxide in the pot
I put ours in the dishwasher when I run it. Maybe I’ll just do vinegar instead, sounds quicker.
I do too…
I’m a dentist and they taught us in dental school to use the dishwasher.
The hot water is very effective at killing the bacteria.
Can you leave the toothbrushes sitting in the vinegar water between brushings, or do you need to limit it to 30 minutes?
I usually keep mine in for 15 to 30 minutes, but if you’re going to keep in, make sure to change the mixture every day.
If you leave it in there for only the recommended 15-30mins, is the mixture safe to use several times or should you still change it daily?
I change mine in between to remove any bacteria remaining in the mixture
What about boiling you’re tooth brush in water with hydrogen peroxide
That sounds like another great option!
So simple and effective! Glad to know this 🙂
Interesting post… but won’t peroxide do the same?
I do peroxide or listerine especially when someone has an illness. We have those really expensive electronic toothbrushes and cannot afford to swap out a brush head very often.
Peroxide and Listerine defeat the purpose of trying to clean your toothbrush naturally. Sure, they work, if you don’t mind swapping bacteria for chemicals.
Peroxide is just h2o2 not a chemical
it is, but you can purchase ‘Food Grade Peroxide’ which is safer… their point is about using natural items that cause no harm 😉
Bah … Hydrogen peroxide is packaged and sold as an antiseptic liquid that can be actively used to treat open wounds or as a mouth wash. Don’t be fooled into thinking some over priced “Food Grade” version is any better for you than the straight $1 a bottle stuff sold in the drug store. Certainly no more “harmful” than white vinegar.
There is a difference between food grade peroxide and the commercial peroxide sold in stores. Typically, food grade peroxide is sold at a higher percentage…. usually 35%, which means it must be diluted to the percentage typically found in stores… 3%. You would never want to put 35% peroxide directly on your skin or in your mouth.
Also commercial grade peroxides often contain stabilizing chemicals that aren’t good for us to ingest.
You are spot on 🙂
Hey we buy that food grade, but as far as gargling w/hydrogen peroxide water to stave off a sickness, I’d been using the milder. Could you suggest a ratio of the food grade, n water to gargle with. Frankly, I’m a little scared of it because it is incredibly strong, but need something effective. I have bad lungs, and need to stay away from germs.
Hi Maria, that’s another great option.