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Avoid the Chemicals and Make Your Own Coconut Oil Toothpaste
Did you know that you can make your own coconut oil toothpaste with just a few simple ingredients that you have in your kitchen?
Not only is coconut oil toothpaste effective, with it you can avoid all of the chemicals and toxic ingredients in commercial toothpaste and save money!
I started making my own toothpaste a little over a year ago after discovering a few ingredients in a “natural” toothpaste that I wasn’t comfortable using. This toothpaste is a great alternative and is very easy to make!
Ingredients to Watch Out for In Toothpaste
All commercial toothpaste contain harmful and toxic ingredients, such as; titanium dioxide, FD&C Blue Dye # 1 & 2, sodium lauryl sulfate, and sodium fluoride. These ingredients can also be found in toothpaste that is labeled “all natural”, particularly sodium fluoride. These chemicals are not only harmful to your delicate tooth enamel, they also affect your overall health! Glycerin is another ingredient to be cautious of as it can inhibit remineralization of teeth. It is often an ingredient in fluoride-free toothpaste as well.
How Coconut Oil Toothpaste Works
Coconut oil is antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal! Studies have shown that coconut oil destroys the bacteria that can cause tooth decay. The other primary ingredient in this toothpaste is baking soda. Baking soda is a very mild abrasive which aids in cleaning and whitening teeth, and restoring pH balance.
Homemade Baking Soda and Coconut Oil Toothpaste Ingredients:
- 2 tablespoons Coconut Oil
- 2 tablespoons Baking Soda
- 10 drops of Peppermint oil (optional)
*You can make a larger or smaller batch depending on how long you would like it to last and what size container you’re storing it in.
1. Mix baking soda and coconut oil in a small container, until it forms a paste like consistency
2. Add several drops of peppermint oil and mix (*peppermint is optional)
Have you tried a baking soda and coconut oil toothpaste?
I love this. As an aromatherapist, I always have peppermint oil to hand. My training said to avoid it in pregnancy but Tisserand’s book on essential oil safety doesn’t mention this. However with my pregnant clients I use spearmint which has many of the same properties but a slightly gentler action.
Interesting! Thanks for sharing
Do I use this as a normal toothpaste?
I do use it in place of commercial toothpaste.
Okay thanks so much!!!?
you forgot to add Dr Bronners soap to this!
Hello. I’m excited to make my own homemade toothpaste. I don’t like the dangers of fluoride. But I have a question, how long does this homemade toothpaste last?
I make enough to last a few weeks. You can store it in the fridge to make it last longer.
This Toothpaste is awesome and delicious! My question is about the essential oils, do you use therapeutic grade?
I do 🙂
Hi Thanks for this article! Pls what’s the recommended daily use of baking soda and coconut oil as a tooth paste and how can I prepare a liquid solution from
powdered sodium bicarbonate? Thanks
Are you mixing the coconut oil with the baking soda? or using another liquid?
Nice article, thanks for it!
Your website, book and health tips is exactly what I have been looking for!!!! I want to become health extremist because we don’t even notice how much harm we bring to our health everyday by doing normal things. Our world is so messed up and we need to care for our health, the gift from God! So thankful for the great job you’re doing. May God continue blessing you!
You’re so sweet! Thank you so much! Hope you have a great day! 🙂
Hi Lori,
I just started using homemade toothpaste, coconut oil and baking soda, ratio 3:1. While going through comments posted by others the ratio should be 1:1, though some said it’s better to use less of baking soda. Is using this toothpaste once a day too much? I use clean coconut oil first thing in the morning for oil pulling and the baking soda-coconut oil mixture is for before the sleep. The oil is extra-virgin organic, not sure if it’s refined or unrefined though. The instructions on the jar say it should be kept somewhere dark and cold so I store it in my fridge along with the toothpaste mix. The only problem is that the oil is really hard so the toothpaste is anything but a paste, I use a spoon to scrap some of it on my toothbrush, after a few brushes it melts and mixes with the saliva. I’d prefer the paste was really a paste, but I rather wouldn’t have to warm it up every time before using it only to bring it back to the fridge and hardening it up again only to melt it the next day over and over again. Is this hardening issue normal, any advice on how to resolve it, thanks!
The hardening is normal. Coconut oil solidifies in colder temperatures. To keep it more of a soft and paste like consistency, I would keep it in the warmest room in your house.
I think the best thing is to use the NORWEX SILVER enhanced toothbrush, removing bacteria and keeping your brush in the “brand new” mode. It’s amazing!!! and solves the clean problems.
Hi Lori,
I just started using baking soda and apple vinegar as a natural shampoo and it feels great!
Next step is starting with baking soda, coconut oil recipe I just read above.
I’m also wondering if you can help me with natural body wash.
I hate chemicals and would want to totally give up on chemicals
Thanks Lori, was pleasure visiting your website……….. keep going girl 🙂 good luck
Thanks! I just use coconut oil as a body wash. If you’re looking for something more like a soap, you could use castile soap.
I’ve been happy with coconut oil and baking soda toothpaste for a couple years now, BUT something very important has surfaced. This fabulous replacement for toxic commercial toothpaste is great when USED IN MODERATION. The problem is that baking soda is actually sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate made up of sodium chloride, or table salt, and calcium carbonate. If used freely such as several times a day for oral hygiene purposes in toothpaste it has the side affect of causing cardiovascular disease including high blood pressure as I am now showing early symptoms of. I will reduce the use of extra virgin coconut oil and baking soda immediately by increasing the amount of coconut oil in the blend and reducing baking soda and only use it once a day particularly after a high acid meal. To fill the gap I will also exercise pressure washing with pure warm water to eliminate food debris and brush with water only as needed. Colloidal silver will also serve as a mouthwash as needed. Yes using too much of this great toothpaste is not good even though my dental hygiene is excellent because of it I’m experiencing prehypertension even though everything else in my daily life is made up of healthy choices. Please use Caution with sodium. Also another need with over use of salt is supplementation with potassium in the diet. Potassium dietary supplementation naturally reduces sodium retention and pomegranite juice is a known cardiovasular aid according to many in the natural health care field.
Very interesting! Thank you for sharing your personal experience 🙂
I use coconut oil and baking soda as a toothpaste but the taste of the baking soda is too much for me so I’m planning on purchasing some peppermint essential oil. One thing I am confused about ,however, is that it has been said that essential oils are not safe to consume. I am confused about that because many DIY toothpaste recipes mention peppermint oil and I was planning on adding 8 drops to my toothpaste blend, but I don’t want to risk my health. Where can I buy peppermint oil that is safe for consumption?
Hi Trelle, you can safely add it to your toothpaste, just make sure it is a good quality brand as some are adulterated.
I have used a similar paste on my skin, but with less baking soda. It works great for itchy skin, and I have used it both on myself when I had hives and on my dog, who seems to always be itchy. I am considering adding in a little peppermint extract since it is supposed to have a soothing effect. I was thinking of making toothpaste out of it but wasn’t sure of the proportions.
Adding some peppermint is a great idea! I just add a few drops to the recipe.
Thanks for the great recipe! I’ve researched around the internet and found some people like to add in 1 teaspoon of natural sea salt to the portions you mentioned as well (2 tbsp coconut oil & baking soda, 1 tspn sea salt). I made mine last night and found that it solidified as well and heard people adding in 10% olive oil will keep it liquid rather. Have you tried this before Lori?
I’ve tried it with sea salt and that’s a great addition to the toothpaste! In colder temperatures the coconut oil can cause it to solidify, but usually when I scoop it out, put it on my toothbrush and start brushing, it melts in just seconds. I haven’t heard of adding olive oil, let us know how you like it with the olive oil. 🙂
Thank you for providing many great home remedies. However, as a licensed dentist, I believe that baking soda particles are highly abrasive. If used over time, especially with a hard bristled toothbrush and vigorous brushing, this could potentially be abrasive on the tooth enamel.
Also, I had a patient who consumed large amounts of colloidal silver and his skin was clearly blue. He appeared so blue that I was concerned he was cyanotic and not able to intake enough oxygen!
Thank you for sharing your experiences. 🙂
I just thought of coconut oil and baking soda toothpaste at work today. Googled it when I got home and found your recipe. I just made some and I’m about to try it now. Thanks.
Sincerely, Raymond
Awesome! 🙂
I am lalzy so I dip my brush in coconut oil then in baking soda. Works for me! I love the flavor, (no peppermint here)
Works wonders on my stained teeth from berries, wine and what not? Thanks a million!
Thanks just what i needed!!
i will also recommend adding some mint flavored chlorophyll if desired.
Awesome addition!
Use RED HIll Baking soda and you will have a tooth paste that’s not tested on animals:) Don’t use proctor and Gamble baking soda…they test on those poor little creatures always resulting in torture and death.
Thank you for sharing.
Hi! I’m really glad I came across this recipe. I actually tried this on my own with coconut oil, baking soda, sea salt, and a little bit of stevia. I do have a small suggestion. I think it would be great if you put your recipe on pinterest! It would really spread the word. No fuss though..just a suggestion.
You can easily pin it to your board by using the Pinterest button above the picture. 🙂
My 2yr old has tooth decay. The dentist wants to pull the top using general anesthesia. I’ve changed his diet completely. Started him on cod liver oil and butter oil. Do you think this toothpaste will help
I use this recipe for the toothpaste. I add peppermint oil and some stevia. I scoop it out of my glass jar with the back of the toothbrush, and hold it in my hand for a few seconds until the oil melts and then brush. It tastes fine. I do this in the morning after oil pulling the coconut oil for twenty minutes. I then take a probiotic mint from Garden of Life and let it dissolve in my mouth. All of this is best done on an empty stomach in the mornings and then just brush my teeth at night without the oil pulling and dissolve another probiotic mint again. My teeth are getting whiter and they feel amazingly clean and fresh. Haven’t had a cavity in a long time and my gums are very healthy. I also use the coconut/baking soda/arrowroot powder and tea tree oil. Works great. I use Coconut Oil for almost everything. By the way they have discovered that fluoride converts to aluminum when digested. Aluminum has been linked with brain diseases like dementia and Alzheimers type problems. Pretty scary. Anyway, give this a try.
I use the second recipe for deodorant not toothpaste, sorry accidently missed saying that. By the way coconut oil at least the organic virgin kind lasts almost indefinitely. FYI there is actually no such thing as Extra Virgin Coconut oil it is an advertising device.
That’s great that your teeth are whiter and you haven’t had any cavities, I’ve noticed the same benefits. 🙂
So simple, I love it!
When using coconut oil, does it matter if it the solid form or liquid? Also, I want a more thicker con do I add more of the baking soda? Lastly how long is the self life of I make enough to fill a 3oz tube?
You can use it either in liquid or solid, but it may be easier to mix when liquid. For it to be thicker, I would put it in the fridge and it will solidify more. I keep it for a few weeks to a month.
hi my name is Mary…I just made this toothpaste and its great, except for one thing: i didnt add the peppermint bc the peppermint herbal supplement i had bought isnt looking very good…it is black and thick and does not have a nice bright peppermint taste!…What’s wrong with it?…doyou think it good or not…need to know asap, thanks! I’m gonna return it i got it one week ago and i do not like it….Thank you for the recipe…i will add a good peppermint oil when i find one!…Thanks!~
If you ask me, the peppermint herbal supplement you have should be returned for refund, then the Peppermint Oil I find very pleasant, and affordable comes from Check out Then use just 1/8th teaspoon of the Vitacost product mixed with 2 tablespoons oil and 2 tablespoons baking soda. I find it needs a little abrasive additive like food grade diatomaceous earth (silica) or a particular type mineral salt to perfect it’s cleaning factors. Caution: Go easy with the abrasive additive so as not to damage the tooth enamel. I hope this helps you.
If the color and odor changed, it sounds like you may need to return it and get another one.
I have been brushing my teeth with pure olive oil soap for about 3 or 4 months and once or twice a week I will brush with baking soda as it is a mild abrasive. What I am wondering is if it is ok to use baking soda with that coconut oil every day since I heard that using baking soda too frequently can wear out the enamel and be bad for your teeth. Any problems you’ve had? Does the mix with Coconut oil make the baking soda not so abrasive?
Some of the dentists have stated to avoid baking soda due to abrasiveness. Research shows that is patently false. Based on data collected at baking soda by itself blended with water is the very least abrasive solution of ANY commercially available toothpaste. When baking soda is blended with equal amounts of extra virgin coconut oil that low abrasive rating becomes even less abrasive. The “slippery” baking soda-coconut oil blend seems to require a little abrasive additive such as grains of particular types of salt. I am using a small amount of food grade diatomaceous earth (silica) in stead of granular salt to accomplish the desired results with no apparent enamel erosion. Xylitol “birch sugar” is also a great additive as well. I receive a clean bill of health from my dentist when I visit for periodic checkups and cleaning at every 6 month interval without the need for Xrays which is also a wonderful benefit. Actually my oral health improves continually much to my dentist’s amazement. Too I use colloidal silver solution for my only mouthwash and an intensified oral cleanse including effectively rinsing and pressure washing my whole mouth, gums, and teeth, especially washing residual saliva as soon as possible after each meal and or snack opting for a continually “clean” whole mouth. I am experiencing not only oral health victory, but overall health victory. Oral disease, tooth decay and the accompanying high level of oral bacteria is, in my humble opinion, the root of many other very serious diseases including cardiovascular disease and possibly cancer. Don’t we know that what’s in the mouth influences the body as a whole?
Thanks for the answer Doug. I made some of this toothpaste today and used it, it feels very different than I would have expected from what you guys described. It was pasty but kind of rough, and grainy. I’ll continue the experiment and see how it works out for me. After I finished brushing my teeth feel very nice.
My formula was 1/2 tbsp baking soda, 1/2 tbsp coconut oil, and 2 drops of tea tree oil. I made a very small amount to try it out first.
Alex, Tea Tree oil seems like a great addition as it has often times also shown to be a great healing agent. Baking soda-coconut oil based toothpaste, as you probably know, is very temperature sensitive. The ideal temperature is approximately 80 F degrees so that the oil is completely liquified but not too warm so that it softens the bristles of the brush. As the oil temperature drops to a more solidified state the value of this wonderful toothpaste becomes worthless. Also stirring is required to maintain proper distribution of the ingredients, as baking soda and additional abrasive selections over time will settled to the bottom, isolating the oil from the blend.
I’ve been using it daily for a few years now and have never had an issue with it being too abrasive. It is only mildly abrasive, my dentist said that some commercial toothpastes are actually more abrasive than just baking soda.
Been meaning to write here to tell you how much I enjoy this toothpaste. I did do one thing different though as I have been using a baking soda/sea salt mix moistened with aloe as I had tooth problems. This was a miracle formula. However, I really like the benefits of coconut oil and I do like having a tooth paste ready for action so you don’t have to mix it up when you want to use it. So….. what I did was added 1/2 tsp. Himalayan Pink salt to the formula. It works great and seems to be maintaining my good teeth. Thanks for a great recipe……. really do love having it “ready”. 🙂
That’s great! The salt sounds like a great addition, I’ll have to try that!
i don’t understand why this wouldn’t last indefinitely? all the ingredients are shelf stable, obviously……i make mine in huge batches and use throughout the year or give away.
Most oils go rancid within one year, extra virgin coconut oil is in that group. If one wants long term storage of this toothpaste perhaps they should freeze it until use.
i would love to see where you found that information, from what i see on mercola, nutiva and tropical traditions, etc. coconut oil should last at least 18 months and others suggest up to seven years with no sign of rancidity….
Well Aimee, if you’ve found contradicting information about extra virgin coconut oil more power to you. I keep on the safe side and like it fresh. 🙂
It should keep for quite a long time (months).
Does your dentist give misleading advice? Does a dentist have a conflict of interest in giving advice to a patient? I think so, after all if that advice reduces or eliminates future treatments it cuts off or reduces the dentist’s income.
Finances are a powerful force and that force can become like a drug of choice for the dentist or other professional with the client relationship. Surely not all professionals are evil money grubbers, but that is determined by the individual professional, it seems like the majority of them are corrupt. The same principle applies to all professional fields including medicine.
Stop and take a look around and you will find that pharmaceutical medicine has become a common addiction and the older a person is the more separate medicines they are usually enticed to purchase on a scheduled basis. Too, the more medicines a person allows into their body, the more negative side effects that occur, keeping a person more ill, and more strapped by the doctor whose care they are under. I urge everyone to conduct independent research and think outside of the box. The best ways to retain good health or recover from poor health will not be found at the allopathic, burn, poison, and butcher health society. Most do not want to be the sacrificial lamb being led to the alter of financial harvest.
I use baking soda and coconut oil toothpaste and it makes my mouth feel clean. I also like that it is healthy for me rather than filled with toxic chemicals. So easy and so inexpensive.
It’s such a great alternative 🙂