Sometimes you just don’t always have time to wash your hair, so it’s great to have natural DIY dry shampoo on hand to use. After having a baby, I’ve come to find that I’m using dry shampoo on a weekly basis as I sometimes don’t have time to wash my hair. I’ve really been pleasantly surprised at ...
Homemade Coconut Milk Shampoo
I've been using this homemade coconut milk shampoo for the past month, and it has really helped my hair! After using it, my hair is softer, fuller with more volume and less frizzy. I never realized how vital pH balanced shampoo was until I did my research and discovered a fantastic pH ...
Natural DIY Dandruff Shampoo (moisturizing and gentle)
The past few years I’ve been using some natural ways to treat my dandruff once a week or so but it always seems to come back, so I started making and using my own natural DIY dandruff shampoo. This has luckily eliminated my dandruff. I just started using my natural DIY dandruff shampoo about 2 ...