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Natural Way to Treat Anxiety with a Banana
Anxiety is an extremely common issue for many, whether it’s minor, severe, or just limited to certain situations.
Luckily, there are many natural ways to reduce anxiety and reduce the stress it causes on the body.
Being a long time sufferer of anxiety, I thought I had tried just about every natural treatment, but it wasn’t until last month that I found out how beneficial bananas can be for anxiety! Just a few weeks ago, a childhood friend turned musician mentioned that before every show he eats a banana to reduce stage fright.
After doing some research on using bananas to treat anxiety and giving it a try myself before stressful situations, such as large meetings or presentations, it really did work! However, the timing of when you eat the banana is key!
Bananas are a Natural Beta Blocker
Wondering why bananas work? Bananas have similar affects to a (pharmaceutical) drug class called beta-adrenergic blockers. Beta blockers are prescribed to treat anxiety, reduce blood pressure, or heart conditions. Beta blockers prevent adrenaline from binding to beta receptors which results in lower blood pressure and pulse rate, which normally skyrocket when experiencing anxiety and under stress.
Bananas have been shown to result similarly, acting as an all natural beta blocker in your body. Bananas are high in potassium, an essential mineral which enables the body to boost the excretion of sodium resulting in decreased blood volume and reduced blood pressure. A boost in your potassium level is beneficial for those with anxiety because when we are under stress our metabolic rate rises and causes a drop in potassium levels.
Bananas also contain tryptophan, a protein which can be converted into serotonin. They also contain a high amount of B vitamins which can aid in calming the nervous system.
Timing is Key!
To get optimal results from eating bananas to treat anxiety, make sure to eat it at the right time!
Musicians have been using bananas for years to combat stage fright, by making sure to eat one before a show. If you are able to plan for a specific event or know when an anxiety inducing situation will occur, this will be very helpful so you’ll know when to eat it.
It is suggested to eat one or two bananas about ½ an hour before the event/anxiety situation. Many have also found it helpful to eat an additional banana half-way through, such as musicians who take a break in between performing and sneak a banana.
Other Benefits of Bananas
Because bananas act as a natural beta blocker, not only are they beneficial for treating anxiety, but can also be helpful for depression, stress, and blood pressure.
Check Your Magnesium Levels
The tryptophan contained in bananas also results in an increase in your body’s magnesium level, which aids in reducing anxiety. Low magnesium levels have been found by many studies to cause anxiety. It is estimated that 90% of Americans are deficient in magnesium and not only that, but when anxiety occurs, it causes magnesium depletion, creating an endless cycle. To read more on this check out my post on magnesium deficiency causing anxiety.
Have you tried this all natural beta blocker? Have you seen any improvements from eating bananas?
I literally started eating a banana for lunch last week and I was so shocked at the difference in my anxiety levels that I googled ‘ Do banana’s help anxiety?’ which let me to this page. For the first time in a long time I have been able to think clearly and even when I have made mistakes I have been able to resolve them without any panic at all. This is worth a try !!!!
So happy to hear eating a banana helps your anxiety 🙂
I worked in Child Welfare as a children’s social worker for several years, and found that eating a banana in the morning eliminated the nervous tension in my stomach. I now have anxiety when driving. Thanks for reminding me of the benefits of bananas.
When my blood pressure spikes from too much sodium for a few days, I eat 2 bananas and 2 glasses of OJ and the pressure is back to normal in 2 hours. 156/100 to 130/82. Have done this many times with the same success. The higher blood pressure also causes feelings of anxiety. Both back to normal after bananas and OJ.
That’s great you found what works for you. Thank you for sharing.
Bananas have properties similar to beta blockers. They are high in potassium which helps remove sodium from the bloodstream to reduce the amount of blood in your system and your blood pressure. In this way, you can also reduce your stress and anxiety levels.
Hello I just tried the banana intake and it worked! Been suffering Anxiety and panic attack for the past month. I am very thankful for this information. Thanks Ben
So glad it helped!
I developed a severe anxiety disorder after suffering from a bad case of BPPV in both ears. Just in the last couple of weeks I have been making “banana oatmeal “cookies with only 4 ingredients – mashed bananas, cinnamon, walnuts and old-fashioned oatmeal. Mix together and form cookies on a greased cookie sheet at 350F for 15 or 20 minutes. As I began eating these regularly I noticed how much calmer my nervous system is!!! Thought I would share this! Great for a really quick snack, breakfast or anytime!!!
So glad it is helping!
Have you heared of (Aysaba) a ready to drink juice nectar, composed of cardaba banana extract mixed extract of garlic ginger pineapple and radish, a natural and healthy drink from philippines. Cardaba(saging saba) is one variety of banana here in philippines,try it this also relief depression and other dieseases.
That’s really interesting! I haven’t heard of it before.
I’m so glad it worked for you!! I usually have one or two a day, if I know I’ll be in a high anxiety situation.
Amazing! I take beta blockers all the time for situations thanks SO much for posting this. I have eaten lots of bananas at once before and i did feel noticeably calm. But I didn’t know they were as effective as a beta blocker, I will attempt switching to bananas instead of beta blockers, defiantly.
I also found cherries to be calming when eaten in bulk 🙂
Every time I have to talk in public or just talk to people I don’t know very well I get this terrible blush on my cheeks and red spots on my neck.It’s not that I’m anxious.I just become red in a moment and then I get nervous about it.Just thinking about how people are going to react makes me even more nervous and more red.Do you think bananas could also help with this?I didn’t try it yet but I will since I wouldn’t use any medication.Thanks for Posting this!
My grandson gets so anxious when taking his drivers test, he has failed several times.The more tests he takes, the worse the anxiety.:My question is, Should the Natural Calm and Rescue Pearls be used together, plus the bananas or, just one of the supplements plus the bananas?
Hope he passes on his next try! My (much) younger brother was nervous for taking his too. I’ve never tried the natural calm before.
I have an interview at a bus company next week so I am pretty sure I will get some bananas leading up to the interview as well as one or two for on the day. Failed an interview with the same company two years ago probably because of my anxiety and nerves. Hope to get it this time
Hope your interview went great!
I am taking my bus driving test this week, to calm my nerves ,my test is at 1pm how soon before the test should I eat bananas
Good luck on the test! You’ll do great! 🙂 Most eat a banana 1 hour or 30 minutes before to get the most benefit.
I have suffered from anxiety off and on since I was a tween. The last bout has lasted 6 weeks or so and the morning anxiety in particular has been crippling. Anxiety = unable to eat, which overtime makes the anxiety worse, and the cycle gets worse. Yesterday I tried eating a banana before getting out of bed, just because I have been trying all different ways to get some good in me without throwing it up. To my surprise it eased the stomach cramps, allowed a welcomed bowel movement and took the edge off the anxiety for sure… Which is what prompted me to this article!! Thanks for the info
Glad the banana worked for you!
Great article, thank you for writing this! My questions is though, how “potent” are bananas compared to any type of medication? I have been researching Beta Blockers because of a recent mindset I have fallen into.
My situation: I have recently been asked by a friend to play in an organized adult basketball league. As a guy who has played ball my whole life I was shocked to realize that I am overcome with panic and anxiety when I take the court on game day! You name it, I get it: cotton mouth, deer in headlight look, etc etc….I have NEVER dealt with this before and it is very frustrating. My attacks usually being to set in before game time when I feel my body racing at what seems like 1,000 mph! But the funny thing is, any other day and I feel and play like I can conquer the court, it’s only on game days this panic sets in.
As a result of this I have been researching blockers, I would love to opt for natural beta blockers if I knew they were strong enough to help me in my situation.
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you very much!
I have struggled with clinical anxiety/depression and obviously at times it is worse than at other times 🙂 . I’ve heard/read as a quick mention that bananas were good for anxiety b/c of the tryptophan/ Serotonin. However, I’ve never heard about the beta-blockers, neither have I read such a detailed and easy-to-understand article like yours. 😀 Thank you!! I HAVE noticed, simply through my long journey with this stuff (:() that I literally do CRAVE bananas (and almond butter and dark chocolate!) when my anxiety/depression dips to a stressful low, though! One plus one equals two!!! 😀
Glad it was helpful!
I have been eating two bananas a day in smoothies with ground flaxseed, pumpkin and sesame seeds also kiwi and it really has helped me with anxiety. I have lots of energy and my mood has greatly improved. I don’t take any medication.
Diet is so important for our wellbeing.
Thanks Bridget
That’s great!
im only 16 and have constant heart pounding issuses with my anxitey , and ive wondered if eating bananas can permenatly reduce brain and heart issues ? please reply back need advice on this 🙁
Thank you so much for this post! I have been struggling with panic disorder and have had a daily need for prescription medication for relief, but becoming dependent on a drug for lifelong functionality terrifies me more than the anxiety! I ate a banana this morning after reading your article at the time I would normally take my medication and felt no need to take one yet (it’s been 6 hours!). Thank you for showing me a natural way to beat my problems =)
So glad it helped!
I just recently found out that banana can reduce anxiety. Yesterday I give it a try by eating four banana just few minutes after my lecturer informed me that my final comprehensive exam was tomorrow. (I was so nervous)
And I think it works! Banana makes me relax. Lol
Glad to hear it helped!
That’s too many remember they contain Potassium and too much can be bad for the heart.
Too much from a supplement or prescription can be problematic. It’s different when it comes from food.
Bananas are also the third-leading cause of fun in the wild. The only downside I’ve read about from some of my colleagues published material does prove a correlation with rheumatoid arthritis and I.B.S. (irritable bowel syndrome). Con cuidado hermanos!! Bananas down the hatch!
I didn’t know that bananas are good for reducing anxiety. I usually get stressed and anxious when it comes to work or with the kids and it seems like no matter what i do, it won’t work to reduce my stress and anxiety. I’ll give bananas a chance to help me deal with my anxiety and stress. Thanks for the information.
My friend told me that eating a banana before going to bed helps to keep the bowel moving, I tried it and it works. Blake the Jamaican 100m runner eats bananas before his races, he believes it helps with his running.
Glad to hear it helps!
I am a musician and have also heard that about bananas before a performance! Interesting article, thanks!
Thanks for taking the time to comment 🙂
I’m usually nervous before a driving lesson, but this morning I had a banana as advised and I had a good lesson
They do work!
Yay! So glad it worked for you.
Be sure to eat Bananas when they are getting brown spots, is when you can make the most of their benefits, also be aware that the darker the banana the more sugar it will contain
I love bananas and had no idea they were good for anxiety. Maybe that’s why I’m so calm.
I have used exercise and diet b complex vitimins, omega 3 etc. I knew about bananas but was unaware how important timing was for success. Great post thx for sharing.
Thanks James!
Bananas contain both tryptophan and serotonin. However, the serotonin molecule can not cross the blood brain barrier into the brain. But tryptophan can, although not easily because it competes with other amnio acids for passage through the blood brain barrier. But wait, bananas also contain starchy carbohydrates. This stimulates production of insulin which primarily drive all the amino acids into the muscle cells — except for the tryptophan amino acid. Now without competition, tryptophan get through blood-brain barrier and is used to build serotonin in the brain. So yes, I can see how bananas can boost mood and reduce anxiety.
Great point, thanks for sharing!
Just be careful – they are very high in sugar. I’d keep it at half a banana per snack.
Great point! Thanks 🙂
high in sugar but that is just fructose and not saccarose
Banana sugar processes differently. Would not worry too much about sugars unless someone is already diabetic.
Yes, it’s because they have so much fiber, which slows down the release of sugar in the bloodstream.
Thank you for sharing this because I had no idea. I will definitely get some more bananas!! I’ve also suffered with anxiety and depression over the years. Have you ever tried EFT? It worked wonders for me. Thought I’d pass the tip on…
Thanks for sharing that! I have heard of it but haven’t given it a try yet, I’ll definitely look into it!
It’s fright, not freight
Thank you!
Some people are so picky picky lol!
Just noticed all these posts are 4 years old !
while eating banana is treatment for anxiety. well try out today itself. whether it work for me or not
What is EFT?