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This egg white face mask is one of my favorite face masks! I’ve been using it since my mom first told me about it when I was a teenager. The egg white face mask always helps prevent breakouts and shrinks my pores. I love how my skin looks after using it!
I love using face masks made from food! And an egg, one of the most perfect foods, is my favorite to both eat and use on my face. So, not only do I stock up on fresh local eggs for breakfast every morning, but I also use them to make this simple egg white face mask.
An egg white face mask was one of the first face masks I ever tried over 10 years ago! And I still continue to use it about once a week because it’s amazing the way it makes my skin feel and look!
Just last night, I quickly applied the mask and after I removed it, my mom asked me, “What did you use? Your skin is glowing!” What I like about it is that you get instant results. It really does leave my skin feeling super clean, refreshed, and shiny (in a good way)!
Why is egg white good for your skin?
Egg white is beneficial to skin because it not only helps tighten and tone the skin, but it aides in shrinking large pores which reduces the surplus of sebum. Sebum is the substance that makes the skin oily and this protects the skin, but you don’t want to have too much of it – if hair follicles get too much sebum and cells from dead skin, bacteria grows resulting in acne.
This face mask always helps reduce breakouts for me. When I use the egg white face mask regularly, I also notice that I have less blackheads on my nose too. This face mask is the best for acne prone skin.
Other reasons egg white is great skin food!
Egg white contains protein to help maintain healthy tissues and keep skin wrinkle-free.
1. It has potassium which aides in preserving moisture to skin cells.
2. The enzyme lysozyme is in egg white and this is known to kill the bacteria that causes acne.
3. Riboflavin (vitamin B-2) in egg whites stamps out the nasty free radicals that are toxic and cell damaging causing wrinkles.
4. Adds the nutrient, magnesium, that helps put the brakes on skin aging and gives your skin a youthful glow!
How to make the egg white face mask: Make sure you use organic eggs!
1. First wash face with warm water – this allows your pores to open up
2. Break egg, separating white from yoke with the shell (passing yoke back and forth into shell halves) or some people like to separate it in their hand and let white drip through their fingers in to the bowl.
3. With your hands all clean, apply the egg white to your face, but make sure you don’t get any in your eyes or mouth.
4. Let the egg white dry for at least 15 minutes. I like to fan my face to speed up the drying process. You will feel the mask tighten as it dries.
5. Use warm water gently to get the mask off.
After you remove the egg white face mask, your skin will feel clean and refreshed!
Can i mix the egg white with vitamin C serum?
I haven’t tried that myself yet.
Or upgrade it to EGG WHITE.., DROP OF OLIVE OIL,..Osterize BANANA…mix together apply for 15 to 20 mins….rinse with water
Hi Lori,
Should I wash my face 1st ,then do the mask or do the mask then wash my face..?
I always wash my face first (using the oil cleansing method).
Should I use egg white face mask in the morning or evening I have a normal to combination skin.
I typically use it in the evening. I think my skin always looks better in the morning when I use it at night.
The mixture can it be preserved in a refrigerator, and how many times should one use a whole white egg mixed with honey and lemon?? Thanks
Can I use liquid egg whites from a carton if they are only egg whites?
I assume that would work too.
Just gonna say here, you are missing out by not using the yolk. I beat one egg well and put it in a small glass jar for storage in my fridge. Each morning I take it out and generously apply it all over my face. It dries in around 10 minutes. I wash it off when I get in the shower.
I noticed a rapid and considerable difference in my fine lines, huge pores, black heads and general skin texture.
I have never tried using it with the yolk. Glad to hear it has helped your skin! I will definitely give it a try now!
Is it okay to put it on at night and sleep in and and get even better results? Or leaving it on through the night isn’t going to make any difference if leaving it on for 30 minutes? I don’t want to dry out my face if so. Thanks for the article by the way.
Hi Shay, glad it was helpful! I’ve never left it on overnight before. I think it’s best to remove before bed 🙂
Love the egg white mask! Just wondering if I can use on my legs & arms to smooth skin? Thanks
I haven’t tried using the egg white mask anywhere else. Let us know how it works if you do 🙂
Just tried this and it did tighten the pores…
I love how it tightens pores and makes them look so much smaller!
Curious if you tried the egg whites anywhere else?
I love it when masks are easy to make and they don’t come much easier than the egg white face masks!
Have you tried testing out egg white face masks with other ingredients like honey? Apparently avocado is great for the skin as well.
What about martinet lines?
Can it helps to open pores clear skin???
Yes, it helps clear my skin.
For eye bags use honey and coffee
Does egg whites help for age spots to get rid?
Yes it helps
Does this really work?
Yes! I love egg white face masks! I always get compliments that my skin is glowing after using it.
Can you store this in a container ?
Yes. Just keep it in the fridge though to prevent bacteria from growing.
Will try this today