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When I heard about the health benefits of turmeric, I decided that I definitely wanted to incorporate it into my daily regime! But I wondered how to use turmeric. Do you just sprinkle it on your food or is there a beneficial way to consume it?
Turmeric is a super spice that has great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and a ton of health benefits! It seems like turmeric can help just about everything! Turmeric is beneficial for: the immune system, digestive system, cholesterol, blood sugar, joint health, arthritis, skin, liver, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and autoimmune diseases.
Turmeric contains the main active ingredient curcumin and is in the same family as ginger. It has been used in ayurvedic and Chinese medicines as a natural remedy for thousands of years.
When I was researching how to use turmeric, I found some important facts you should know when adding turmeric to your diet. According to Natural News, in order to get the optimum benefit from consuming turmeric –
1. Turmeric should be exposed to cooking heat.
2. Black pepper should always be included to get proper absorption of the nutrient piperine.
3. A healthy fat (such as coconut oil) should be consumed with the turmeric to not expose the curcumin to harsh stomach acids on its way to the small intestines. Other healthy fats that can be added include; ghee, olive oil, goat, almond or cow milk.
How to Use Turmeric:
1. Scrambled Eggs – My favorite and one easy way to use turmeric is to put coconut oil in a fry pan and scramble organic eggs with it. Make sure you add the turmeric while cooking and sprinkle with a little black pepper.
2. Rice/Sir-Fry – Turmeric can be added to rice. You can add it to a stir-fry with olive oil and black pepper.
3. Sautéed Onions – Add turmeric while cooking with coconut or olive oil (add veggies)
4. Cauliflower – Steam and add healthy oil and turmeric
5. Turmeric Tea – Add a ½ teaspoon of ground turmeric to two cups hot water, simmer 10 minutes, strain and add honey, lemon or ginger.
6. Golden Milk – Great way to get health benefits. First make a turmeric paste (below), then add ¼ teaspoon of paste to a cup of warm milk (add a few drops of healthy oil, like olive or ghee for maximum absorption). Optional – Add honey or maple syrup for sweetness.
- Turmeric paste – Put 1/2 cup water in pan, add ¼ cup turmeric powder and sprinkle of black pepper, cook for approximately 5 minutes and continue stirring until it becomes a creamy paste. You can keep the paste in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.
*Bonus use: For skin, add turmeric to honey for a great paste, apply to face
or make a scrub of turmeric, a little water and lemon juice
How do you use turmeric?
use turmeric in cooking, indian currys, very healthy ..
I am allergic to coconut in any form. what is a good substitute for a healthy fat?
Avocados are another great healthy fat.
I use 1/2 tsp of turmeric in yogurt .
I’ll have to try adding it to yogurt! Thank you for sharing. I never thought of using turmeric in yogurt.