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I recently got a new patio set for my back deck and set up some cool solar lights; however, I haven’t been able to use it much after 8pm because there are so many mosquitoes! This is when I normally have to run inside because I’m a mosquito magnet! If I go out for just a few minutes, I’ll get at least 5 very red and swollen mosquito bites that will torment me all night and well into the next few days! This is why, I’ll do practically anything to avoid getting bit! This year I wanted try a make your own natural mosquito repellent spray to hopefully keep the pesky insects away.
I’ve been researching how I can keep the mosquitoes away without using chemical repellents that contain harmful ingredients that get absorbed through the skin. One of the things I started researching into that I can use for my back porch, is a co2 mosquito trap, after reading the reviews, I decided to order this one because it doesn’t emit any harmful chemicals. I’m hoping it helps get rid of the mosquitoes on my back deck.
I also found that there are natural ways to repel mosquitoes. One is to use a combination of natural ingredients in a spray bottle to make your own natural mosquito repellent spray. This is a fantastic option for me because I always attract so many mosquitoes. This is great too because you can take the spray bottle with you anywhere and just spray it on your clothes, shoes, or skin to repel the mosquitoes.
When I go out for the weekend, I take the mosquito repellent spray with me and reapply it as needed to keep the mosquitoes away.
Why Chemical Mosquito Repellent Sprays are Harmful:
One of the most common ingredients you’ll find in mosquito repellents is DEET (diethyltoluamide). DEET is a known central nervous system toxin. DEET can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, rashes, and skin irritation. Duke University found that using DEET topically can impair brain functioning, affect memory, cognition, and muscle weakness.
Other common chemicals in mosquito repellents include permethrin, metofluthrin, and p-mentane-3,8-diol. The Environmental Protection Agency has found these chemicals to be carcinogenic to humans.
To avoid these harmful chemicals, it is best to make your own natural mosquito repellent spray. That way you know exactly what ingredients are in it.
How this Natural Mosquito Repellent Spray Works:
The citronella scent naturally repels mosquitoes as it masks the scents that they’re attracted to, such as lactic acid in humans.
Lemon eucalyptus oil also works great at repelling mosquitoes naturally. One study found that when lemon eucalyptus oil was applied, it repelled more than 95% of mosquitoes for a three hour period.
Cinnamon essential oil is another excellent oil that repels mosquitoes. In one study, cinnamon essential oil was proven to be more effective than DEET to kill mosquitoes.
Using a combination of these essential oils makes a very effective natural mosquito repellent spray! This spray has made a hug difference for me this year. I still get occasional bites, but no where near how many I was getting without it. I would usually get about 15- 20 bites from being out on my back deck for 15 minutes. Not exaggerating. Now, that I use this mosquito repellent spray, I only get one, if that. I’m so happy I made this spray. I keep it on hand all summer now.
How to Make Your Own Natural Mosquito Repellent Spray
What You Need:
- ½ cup water
- 1/8 cup apple cider vinegar
- 10 drops citronella essential oil
- 10 drops cinnamon leaf oil or lemon eucalyptus essential oil
- a spray bottle
1. Take a spray bottle and put the apple cider vinegar and both essential oils in. Then shake the bottle.
2. Add the water to the spray bottle.
3. Shake the spray bottle so all the ingredients mix together.
4. Spray on your clothes, shoes, skin or furniture.
One other thing I’ve been trying to do to repel mosquitoes is eat more garlic. Eating garlic regularly has been found to protect against mosquitoes. I try to eat at least one raw clove a day. In addition to repelling mosquitoes, eating raw garlic has many other health benefits.
Do you have any other helpful tips to keep mosquitoes away?
This year I started taking a liquid multivitamin (after being bitten SEVERAL times) with B1 and other complex B vitamins and they left me alone (until I ran out 😬) I’d heard taking B1 well keep them away. It’s the first thing I’d ever tried that actually worked
That’s great that the vitamin really worked!
Years ago when my adult kids were little and went camping all the time, we used to get garlic pills for keeping the mosquitos away. You could get them at our local sporting goods store. They quit selling them and I have not been able to find them anywhere since. Does anyone know where you can find them now? They were harmless. I am both of my daughters took them when we were camping and they were like 4 and 8 years old. They worked great. You smelled like garlic but you didn’t care. No and I mean no mosquitos bite you.
I wonder if you could just use fresh garlic too?
I order mine over Amazon
Are these mosquito remedies safe if pets lick where the spray has been on skin or clothing?
I think it would be OK as long as you didn’t just apply it.
Magnesium oil is an amazing insect repellent. Not only does it repel mosquitos but also deer flies and flying ants. We had a party and those that were using the magnesium oil we’re not bitten at all. This is one case where you don’t want to put any oil on top of the magnesium oil so buy a kind that is non itching like Purest Vantage. The taste is bitter to the biters. I found it on Amazon.
Wow, I didn’t know it helps repel mosquitoes. Thanks for sharing! I’ll definitely try that next summer.
My personal favorite mosquito repellent is a mixture of water, tabasco, limburger cheese and anchovies, with a dash of rose water to mask the odors.
also eucaliptus oil and water,
Can’t wait to try out your spray!
I’ve heard good things about garlic repelling bugs.
My friend told me that she uses peppermint to prevent mosquito bites.
I’ve read about garlic working too! I wonder how much we would need though?
My sister drinks lots of fresh lemon water and she has noticed that the mosquitos rarely bother her anymore!
Wow, that’s great! I’ll have to drink more and see if it helps me too.