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Over the past few years I’ve noticed that my eyebrows have gotten lighter in color and they’ve also been thinning a little bit. They used to be really thick when I was young and I would trim them so they didn’t look super bushy. Now, I’m trying to figure out ways to make them thicker. I often use an eyebrow pencil to make them look a little darker and fuller but it’s just not the same as having them naturally thick. One remedy I remembered hearing about was castor oil. So, I was curious how to use castor oil for eyebrows to increase hair growth and if it really worked.
For awhile now I’ve been using castor oil on my hair and eyelashes to increase hair growth so I thought, I would search online to see if it would work for eyebrows too and guess what? Many people do use castor oil for eyebrows too!
Another good thing about using castor oil is it will also prevent more hair loss too. I know it’s very common for eyebrows to become thinner and thinner as we get older so hopefully by starting to use it now, I’ll not only thicken them, but also prevent more eyebrow hair loss too.
Castor oil is fantastic for increasing hair growth…pretty much anywhere! I use it on my eyelashes, hair, and now, eyebrows.
Eyebrows can become thinner from aging, particular vitamin deficiencies, hypothyroidism or other medical conditions. No matter what the cause is, using castor oil topically can help stimulate eyebrow hair growth.
Does Castor Oil Really Work?
Castor oil helps increase hair growth when it’s applied topically because of it’s high amount of fatty acids. In particular, it contains over 90% of ricinoleic acid, which is an omega 9 fatty acid. This fatty acid stimulates the hair follicle and hair growth.
Not only is it an easy method for increasing hair growth because all you do is apply it topically, but it’s also very inexpensive.
Castor oil helps increase hair growth whether it’s because you over plucked or they are thinning due to aging, etc.
Castor oil not only helps increase hair growth and makes your eyebrows thicker, but it also prevents losing more eyebrow hair. It is very effective at penetrating the skin and being absorbed because of it’s low molecular weight.
When You Should Expect to See Results:
I’ve been using castor oil on my eyebrows for about 3 months now and I’ve definitely noticed an increase in hair growth. I’m hoping it will continue to increase even more over the next few months, especially on the ends of my eyebrows where they’re the thinnest. I’ve been using castor oil on my eyelashes too and it took about 6 months to see the full effect so I’m guessing it will be about the same for my eyebrows.
Most say that it takes about 3 to 6 months to see the full benefit from applying the castor oil. Make sure to apply it regularly for the best result.
What Kind of Castor Oil Should I Use?
When you buy castor oil, you want to make sure you buy the right kind in order to get the most benefit! Some castor oil contains hexane, a harmful chemical that can actually hinder hair growth even more. So, it is especially important to get hexane free if you’re going to use castor oil for eyebrows to boost hair growth.
Make sure you buy a 100% high grade hexane free, cold pressed castor oil. It’s also extremely important because you don’t want to apply anything with chemicals around the eye area that is very sensitive.
How to Use Castor Oil for Eyebrows
What You Need:
- 2 to 3 drops of hexane free castor oil
1. Take 2 to 3 drops of castor oil and use either your fingers or a cotton swab to apply it to your eyebrows.
2. Massage the castor oil in to the area to make sure it gets completely absorbed.
3. Leave it on for at least 1 hour or longer. I apply it at night before bed and leave it on all night.
4. Rinse off with warm water.
How often Should You Apply the Castor Oil to Get Thicker Eyebrows?
If you’re going to use castor oil for eyebrows to increase hair growth, make sure to apply it to your eyebrows at least once a day. I’ve made it a nightly routine so after I wash my face, I put the castor oil on my eyebrows and go to bed.
How do you apply to your lashes?
You can use your fingers or a cotton swab.
Thanks, I was actually wondering about the Castor Oil in your hair. I have very thin hair so I don’t know if putting oil on it during the day would work.
It’s great, but I would apply it before bed and leave on overnight. You could use it during the day, but it would leave your hair looking greasy.
How do you use it on your hair?
To use coconut oil in your hair, use a quarter of a teaspoon & rub it between your hands quickly to make sure it’s melted nicely & evenly distributed between your hands. (I like to keep mine in a tiny travel container & scoop out what I need with the back of my finger nail.)
Make sure your hair is wet/damp & work it into the ends of your hair working up the hair shaft. Try not to put it anywhere near your scalp (just a tiny bit around the outside upper part of your hair) because it’ll make your hair look oily – like you didn’t wash it!
It’s great for hydrating dull, dry, brittle hair. I scrunch my hair with my hands, (which works it further into your hair) & let it air dry. Once your hair is dry, put in a little gel or mouse or whatever you use normally to ease frizz & voila! Super luscious locks. 🙂
I apply it to my scalp and massage it in.
Thank you for this lively beauty tip! I love beauty tips and was going to start a blog myself. I’m on Pinterest & have a beauty tips board, a diy beauty products board & some other things you may be interested in!
I really enjoy reading your health tips & appreciate you taking the time to share them. 🙂
I bought an eyelash/eyebrow thickening oil from a spa in Burlington ON once & its main ingredient was castor oil. Funny, that stuff didn’t work very well & cost me almost $70 for a tiny little stick of it. The idea was to paint it onto your lashes like a liquid liner stick (you can buy those at Sephora). Anyways, long story short – the cold pressed hexane-free bottle will probably work better, be better for me in the long run & I’ll get WAY more ‘bang for my buck’! Right?
I tried your coconut oil tip for hair & my curly brown locks loved it. 🙂
Thanks for the tips & keep ’em comin!
Carissa Ready
(That’s my name on Pinterest too) ☺️
Thanks Carissa! 🙂