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This week I have developed a fear, of toilets! Don’t laugh, but this fear has taken over my life for the past week! If you ever got a urinary tract infection, you can relate and know how painful these can be and you may be searching for natural remedies for UTI. What’s one way to tell if you have one? When you always feel like you have to go, but nothing much really comes out! It seems we women have a design flaw, short urethras close to the rectum which makes us more apt to get urinary tract infections. So by experiencing a urinary tract infection, that puts you in the boat with millions of other women! This may not make you feel better just knowing you definitely are not alone, but maybe some of the following natural remedies for UTI below will help you deal with it!
There are many natural options, but my vote for the best remedy is D-Mannose. I wish I had known about this sooner and maybe I could have avoided a UTI. Now, I’m making sure I take my probiotics, drink plenty of water and take D-Mannose every day. There are also many lifestyle changes I’ve made to help treat my UTI and prevent another one from coming.
Preventative Natural Remedies for UTI
1. Do showers instead of baths – In the bath the water enters the body making it more prone to an infection.
2. Pee before, after relations and after baths – Flushes bacteria that may be near the urethra.
3. Good hygiene – Use soap and water in the area, keeps bacteria to a minimum.
4. Wipe front to back – Prevents bacteria from getting in urethra.
5. Get plenty of vitamin C – Drink lemon in water to keep your PH in balance, vitamin C boosts the immune system and may help reduce bacteria in urine.
6. Probiotics – Studies show benefits to urological conditions.
7. Avoid drinks with sugar. Also, avoid caffeine and alcohol which dehydrate and irritate the bladder.
8. Cotton underwear – Preferred as it breathes better and doesn’t trap moisture and bacteria.
9. D-Mannose – Simple natural sugar that helps flush E-coli bacteria (main cause of UTIs) out. Take smaller doses daily for prevention (Powder form preferred).
10. Cranberry Extract – For prevention, helps immobilize the bacteria.
11. Don’t hold it when you have to go – Urinating flushes out bacteria, less chance for bacteria to enter.
12. Drink water to flush out bacteria as soon as you notice symptoms.
13. Biofilm disruptors – According to Chris Kresser, these are helpful for preventing infections not caused by E.Coli.
What to do During UTI and More Ways to Prevent One
1. ½ teaspoon baking soda in water – Makes it less painful to pee, lowers pH of urine. Warning: don’t take too much, offsets flora in intestine.
2. D-Mannose (powder form) – Simple and effective natural sugar.
3. Eat blueberries, cranberries which help block bacteria.
4. Asparagus – Benefits the immune system and is alkaline. Some claim it helps because of it’s sulfur containing compound or because it helps increase urinary volume.
5. Drink plenty of water – Helps to flush out bacteria.
6. Try colloidal silver at first sign of infection – It is a natural antibiotic.
7. Apple cider vinegar – Helps flush out bacteria. Use raw and unfiltered ACV for the most benefits.
8. Oil of oregano capsules – Natural antibiotic some folks say helps their UTI.
9. Cream of tartar – Grandma’s Home remedy -one teaspoon in glass of water.
10. Consider using one these homeopathic remedies from an article on The Healthy Home Economist blog:
Cantharis 30, Berberis, Sarsaparilla, Staphysagria, Pulsatilla.
My Favorite Natural Remedy for UTI – D-Mannose
D-Mannose is the healthier and more effective way to attack a urinary infection; it is one of the best natural remedies for UTI. It is much better than the old home remedy of cranberry juice because fruit juice contains loads of sugar (fructose) , even if it’s unsweetened!
D-Mannose is even better than cranberry juice because it only contains the ingredient that you need from the juice and it is very safe because it is a natural occurring sugar from plants such as; apples, cranberries and blueberries . It works because the bacteria loves it and will detach and hitch a ride outside when you pee. You can even take it if you are concerned about your blood sugar because it is not metabolized the same as sugar. The only drawback is that it may not work if your infection is caused by bacteria other than E. Coli and that is only in a small percentage of cases (10%).
What if You do Take Antibiotics?
If you can avoid antibiotics that is great, but if you do end up taking them don’t forget to take your probiotics! Also, make sure you eat fermented veggies or foods, that way as much of the good bacteria will survive as possible. Another suggestion is to take grapefruit seed extract, a natural antibiotic and antifungal, which helps with yeast infections. Antibiotic use can bring on an imbalance, killing your good bacteria and may cause a yeast infection. Grapefruit seed extract can also be taken with an antibiotic, if you’re taking one. It will also help prevent yeast infections.
Have you tried any of these natural remedies for UTI?
I think we all know the best way to really prevent UTIs though… and I’ll just be the one to say it. USE PROTECTION! Let’s be honest, we all know the reason why most girls get UTIs, and it’s not because they’re wearing the wrong type of underwear or taking too many baths.
I’ve been abstinate for over a year and still have chronic uti’s. Be considerate, do some research before passing judgment and assuming you know why people suffer with their health.
Above mentioned Preventative Natural Remedies for Uti are really useful. I was suffering from same issue and its really embarrassing problem. But i tried some of your tips and found incredible results.
Good hygiene is important for both partners! Both people need to be really clean. I’m glad to see others put recommendations for products because I have found not all D-mannose products to be the same.
Thanks for sharing Cindy!
DO NOT USE SOAP IN YOUR AREA! That’s a bad idea. Your body is perfectly fine with just water. Soaps are too harsh wont wash away (out) for months and will cause more harm than good. Everything else in the article is pretty spot on except that one line.
Source : MY OBGYN!
Thank you for sharing!
Actually you are wrong because they mean soft soap like no tear soap or dove soap or watermelon soap if you haven’t heard 🙂 just sayin!
We make a natural bacteria fighter at Secret Garden of Health and Healing that I have used many times for UTI’s & Bladder infections with great results and it works quickly. It is called Bac ta Bitters.
Another great remedy is an herbal supplement called Body Guard. Dr. James Wilson is a naturopath who created this supplement for some of the women in his family because they were suffering from chronic UTIs. It works wonderfully and would be a great addition to these suggestions. Thank you so much for this article!! UTIs are horrible and spreading the word on how to prevent and treat them is so important! Thank you!
Thanks for sharing, I haven’t heard of that supplement before.