These 5 simple unusual acne treatments have made a huge difference in reducing my acne. After using these methods daily, I have less breakouts and blackheads. Any time I skip one of them, like using the oil cleansing method for washing my face, I get a breakout. So, I know they are really ...
Natural Skin Care
DIY Probiotic Face Mask – Fights Acne and Rosacea, Prevents Wrinkles
When I first heard about probiotic face masks I was excited! I love trying different face mask recipes to improve my skin, prevent breakouts, and even prevent wrinkles (yea, it’s never too early!). I’ll try any new DIY natural face mask if I like the ingredients and this DIY probiotic face mask is ...
7 Natural Remedies for Mosquito Bites to Instantly Relieve the Itch
I’m always a mosquito magnet during the summer! Not only do they always come after me more than anyone else when I’m out, but I also get what’s called skeeter syndrome. Sounds funny, but all it means is that when you get bit by a mosquito, your body has an allergic reaction to the protein in the ...
Natural Homemade Makeup Remover
Do you ever sleep with your makeup on because you’re too tired to bother taking it off? I’ve been tempted to do this many nights because it was such a chore to take it off! I used to scrub and scrub my face with soap to get if off….ouch! Soap is so harsh on the skin and the dryness it caused just ...
How to Use Turmeric- 6 Ways to Get the Benefits
When I heard about the health benefits of turmeric, I decided that I definitely wanted to incorporate it into my daily regime! But I wondered how to use turmeric. Do you just sprinkle it on your food or is there a beneficial way to consume it? Turmeric is a super spice that has great ...
Uses for Coconut Oil – A Handy List
You probably know about the many (awesome) health benefits of coconut oil, but you may forget about all of the ways you can use it, because the list is practically endless! This is why I have comprised a handy organized list of the uses for coconut oil that you can put up in your bathroom or on ...
Dry Brushing: Improve Your Health in Just a Few Minutes a Day
I had the best night’s sleep the last couple of nights and I attribute that to starting a daily regimen of dry brushing! I used to do dry brushing once a day, but stopped several months ago. At the time, I didn’t really like the brush I was using and it was awkward to hold. But I ordered a new ...
Start Lovin’ Coconut Butter!
It seems like everyone is into coconut oil because of its fantastic health benefits, but many people don’t know about the delicious treat, coconut butter. It’s a creamy frosting that’s a great alternative to butter. But be careful! Because once you get into it, there’s no stopping you. When I ...